This Autumn claim your free complimentary Teppan Yaki and Griddle Plates at Counter Interiors when purchasing a Vented Hob.
Vented Hobs are becoming the go to style of hob when it comes to saving space in your kitchen, the unique design allows for installation almost anywhere in your design.
With traditional hobs separate extraction must be considered, this is usually an over head style extractor which are available in many different types from stylish to completely hidden away. Alternatives include the popular downdraft extractor which is installed behind the hob. This requires your layout to allow space behind the hob, therefor extra deep cabinets are required.
The Vented style hobs are an excellent solution for clean, uncluttered installations where overhead extraction isn’t possible and downdraft extractors are not the preferred option. Island units with high ceilings are especially suited to vented hobs giving you all the headroom with none of the issues.
This Autumn we are giving away two excellent accessories with selected vented hobs including a Griddle Pan and a Teppan Yaki Plate. Both accessories proved very popular at our latest cooking demonstration with a number of visitors to the event requesting them on the day.
Expand your cooking capabilities with these excellent accessories usually priced at £258 for the pair. View the complete terms and conditions below.